Welcome to Angela Rudy Cookies, formerly known as Oh, Sugar! Events. We specialize in hand-decorated sugar cookies to make your event feel truly special. So put your feet up and stay awhile as you browse our site for inspiration from our latest projects.

In the market for a couple dozen show stopping favors? Please contact Angela Rudy Cookies for a custom quote. Enjoy!
Email: angelarudycookies@gmail.com

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Pumpkins with a Twist

What a fun challenge.  The one and only Callye from Sweet SugarBelle put a call out to some cookie friends for 23 fresh takes on the same tired old pumpkin cutter. I love how everyone took this challenge and ran in a different direction. Here's Oh, Sugar's entry, a Faberge inspired pumpkin coach.  There are tons of fabulous and creative entries in this collection. Check them all out and get reacquainted with some old favorites and discover some great new artists along the way.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Dangers of Procrasti-baking

Oy!  What was I thinking?  Three dozen cookies due by 10am and I decide to start hand painting them at 7pm the night before...  What an idiot!  And so the term Procrasti-baking was born. PROCRASTIBAKING [proh-kras-tuh-beyk-ing] Verb. The act of putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention: She considered herself a smart cookie, but her constant procrastibaking often led her to stay up all night finishing projects.

These Diary of A Worm cookies were for a regular client who was hosting a book club meeting, and this was their featured title. I'm not a seasoned cookie painter, but I used to be handy with a paintbrush back in college.  I found  painting with food coloring surprisingly similar to working with water color.  I can see the appeal. It's quick drying, you can blend colors and it goes fast.

36 of these creepy crawlies! I was happy with how they turned out, but happier that they were finished in time. Never again!  Until the next time.
Blending detail

Monday, September 10, 2012

Just the Tip

God bless you Pinterest.  I saw something late last night that I thought might just change my cookie making life.  And I was right!  Sweet Holy Moses - we've got organization folks, in the shape of a four tiered lazy Susan.  It's made of metal with black enamel finish, which can be easily spray painted to fit in with your decor. Black happens to work for my kitchen, but I can just see it in bright aqua or hot pink. There are two tiers with 6 dividers and two tiers with 3 dividers. Perfect for organizing tips, couplers, food coloring, disco dusts, food markers, et cetera, all in one handy dandy spot tucked under the kitchen cabinets.  Not too obtrusive or such an eyesore that it can't be left out in the open.  I'm in heaven!  

It does requires assembly and took me over an hour to put together with all of the nuts and bolts (four per divider!)  but it was really easy peasy.  I had to leave off the topper fob that screws in for it to slide under my overhead cabinets, but this does not effect its stability whatsoever.  This was found at Harbor Freight Hardware Store for $18.95 and I'm told they often have on line coupons so check for those before you go to pick up yours!  Game changer!

Picked up those glass canisters at Target for Powdered Sugar and Meringue Powder both under $7 a piece.  Love being able to keep out my necessities in attractive containers instead of living like a hobo with vile, dirty bins and make shift storage. Organizing always makes me feel so much better and ask myself, "How was I living before I did this?"

Must make labels for the tips section! 0s, 1s, 1.5s, etc.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Cookie About Nothing

I don't know how I get so lucky to have some of the coolest customers ever.  Like this one who ordered a dozen Seinfeld inspired cookies to celebrate her 37th birthday.  I mean, how cool is that?  I got a little carried away because Seinfeld is one of my all time favorite shows, so she got half a dozen bonus cookies because I just couldn't stop myself.  Too many classic moments to cookify.  See if your favorites made the cookie cut.  Enjoy!
The full set.


The Puffy Shirt

Fusilli Jerry

The Contest

Monk's Diner


"The Timeless Art of Seduction"
Alter Ego: Art Vandelay

Festivus Pole

The Soup Nazi

Del Boca Vista

"Little Kicks" Dance

Love her feet.

The Urban Sombrero

Muffin Tops

"What about the breathing, the panting, the moaning, the screaming?"


Kramerica Industries
The Bro/Manzier
"These pretzels are making me thirsty!"
Ass Man

Monday, September 3, 2012

We're Big In China

Can I tell you how surprised I was to open an email from Little Thing Magazine, a darling Chinese publication that features all sorts of fun, bright and girly things throughout their beautiful pages.  They contacted Oh, Sugar! to see if we'd be interested in a little feature and interview in their 4th Anniversary issue - all about sweet things.  I couldn't shoot off the yes email fast enough!  Well, we just received our copy in the mail today and couldn't be more please with the beautiful four page spread they gave us.  (I have to assume I sound verrrrry smart in Chinese) Take a look at the pages and thanks again Little Thing.  We love your magazine! Enjoy!
Cool cover.

Feature of our Vintage Pony Party done with Ryam Teran of The Inspired Mama.

 Feature on our vintage wedding in purple.
Didn't know I was fluent in Chinese, did ya?
The one question I remember:  What is your favorite Little Thing?  My kiddo, Abby.